How does Chad Rank Internationally?

Chad is a unique country facing unique challenges but how does it stack up Internationally?

In this article we’ve compiled a list of indices that compare Chad to its international peers in many categories including national corruption, poverty, development, freedom of the press and more. These rankings were defined by independent third-parties and we cannot confirm the veracity of their numbers.

Peter Lee

Freelance Journalist and Editor, currently working with Heartbeat Africa News covering events in "The Heart of Africa". Contact Peter Lee in English or French at

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1 Response

  1. February 7, 2022

    […] In 2020 Mercer reported that N’Djamena was the 15th most expensive city for foreign workers, and 2nd in Africa. In 2021, N’Djamena moved up to 13th, and number one in Africa. While not all flattering, Chad seems to hit many top ten lists, see our article on how Chad ranks. […]

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